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Department of Neuroscience

(440) 826-2312



Discover the fascinating, ever-growing field of neuroscience. Whether your career interest is scientific research, the medical profession or education, Baldwin Wallace's neuroscience major will help you excel in your goal.

Focused Study of Brain, Mind, Behavior

Through courses in cognitive, behavioral and molecular neuroscience, you'll delve into the intricacies of the brain and the rest of the nervous system. You'll study its normal and abnormal actions, learn about diseases and environmental factors that affect its function, and discover how breakthroughs in neuroscience are advancing our knowledge and quality of life.

Impressive Neuroscience Research

Starting as soon as freshman year, you can collaborate with professors on research spanning behavioral pharmacology, neurodegeneration, learning and memory, sensation and perception, as well as other topics. You'll gain hands-on experience in experimental design, data collection and analysis, and scientific writing - so you can experience research from its inception through completion.

  • 教授在神经科学实验室指导学生的照片.

    Rigorous academics, faculty mentoring and extensive lab experiences prepare students for post-graduate studies and career success.

  • 图为教授在认知实验室指导学生.

    Under the direction of Dr. Patrick Ledwidge, students gain valuable research skills in BW's 认知交流 lab.

  • 教授在神经科学实验室指导学生的照片.

    With Dr. Clare Mathes (left) as a mentor, Delenn Hartswick '21 (right) performed research through BW's Summer Scholars program to learn new skills and prepare for a neuroscience thesis.

  • Benjamin Brown

    Benjamin Brown '15, who is now pursing an M.D./Ph.D. at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, was part of a leading research study at BW that was published in the journal Nature.

Neuroscience Research

Career Opportunities in Neuroscience

Neuroscience graduates work at universities, medical schools, research institutes and in industry, such as biotech and pharmaceutical firms, and for government organizations. Students who achieve a bachelor's degree and/or pursue graduate education may become:

  • Research scientists
  • Pharmacologists
  • Dentists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Veterinarians
  • Educators
  • Physicians
  • Pharmacists


神经科学分为主修和辅修两门. 本课程为你的学习提供了理论和实践的框架. 您将从学习神经系统结构和功能的基础知识到在实验课程中的实际应用,再到产生原始的神经科学研究问题.

What You'll Learn


  • 了解大脑及其功能, including structure, physiology, pharmacology, 认知与行为.
  • 解释和应用神经科学的一般原理.
  • 批判性地评估有关神经科学主题和研究的信息.
  • 评估神经科学研究中的安全和伦理考虑,并应用这些标准进行研究.
  • 成为有效的口头和书面交流者,能够讨论神经科学的主题和研究.
Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 University Catalog.


Small class sizes, individual attention, 实践学习和教师指导是该计划的特点. 你将从拥有各自学科领域博士学位的教授那里学习.

BW Neuroscience Lab

神经科学综合体包括专门用于成像和立体学的房间, behavior analysis, surgery, 组织学和神经生理学. 你将在实验室中被视为专业人士,以促进你的独立学习和批判性思维, 同时也受益于教授和同行的合作.

你将探索神经功能在各个层面的分析-从分子到细胞到系统到行为到认知. 学院专家将帮助您建立有价值的和全面的研究技能. 因为传播研究成果是这个过程的重要组成部分, 你将被鼓励在科学会议上展示你的数据和发现,并寻求在专业期刊上发表.



学生领导的跨学科神经科学学会(INS)向任何有兴趣学习更多神经科学的学生开放. 国际欧博allbet社赞助研讨会,以进一步教育神经科学的主题, 通过大脑博览会等活动促进社区外展, 并通过组织和支持学生参加专业会议来促进专业发展.

Nu Rho Psi

全国神经科学荣誉学会, Nu Rho Psi, 是由神经科学的学生组成的,他们有杰出的奖学金,并表现出对该学科的兴趣. BW Nu Rho Psi分会是荣誉协会的第一个分会.

Pre-Medical Society

Delta Omega Chi, 医学预科协会, 赞助与医疗有关的志愿活动, 演讲嘉宾及参观专业机构. 这个组织是理想的学生感兴趣的医疗保健专业,如医生, 医师助理和牙医.


The 选择俄亥俄州第一STEM学者计划 对秋季即将进入鲍德温华莱士大学的一年级学生或转学生以及对神经科学感兴趣的俄亥俄居民开放. 学生有资格申请该欧博allbet,该欧博allbet还提供“选择俄亥俄第一”奖学金, 授予实质性年度奖励, 可再生的奖学金.


At Baldwin Wallace, you'll experience personal and professional growth in a supportive community that challenges and inspires you to succeed. Recent neuroscience graduates are finding success in graduate and professional schools and working in a variety of careers.

Benjamin BrownBenjamin Brown '15 is currently pursing an M.D./Ph.D. at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. The Columbia Station, Ohio, native cites faculty-student collaborative research and mentoring as vital to his growth as an independent researcher and acceptance into medical school.

Brandon DropicBrandon Dropic '15 is inventory optimization planner at PPG Industries in Clearwater, Fla. The Seminole, Fla., native collaborated with BW faculty and Cleveland Clinic researchers to develop original Alzheimer's disease research, an experience that enabled him to develop his professional competencies and distinguish himself in the field.

Ashkon BahramiAshkon Bahrami '14 is lab technician at Lubrizol Corporation in Brecksville, Ohio. The Newark, Ohio, native credits the close relationships he formed with his professors with helping him gain the connections and experience he needed to achieve his goal of becoming employed immediately upon graduation.

Kara GawelekKara Gawelek '14 is resident physician at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. She earned a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) from Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. The Brunswick, Ohio, native's work alongside BW faculty in the research laboratory bolstered her successful medical school applications.

Sarah HummelSarah Hummel '13 is emergency veterinarian at the Veterinary Medical Center of CNY in Syracuse, N.Y. She earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) from the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. As an undergraduate at BW, the Ithaca, N.Y., native worked in BW's neuroscience and animal learning labs.

Joe LuchsingerJoe Luchsinger '13 is M.D./Ph.D. candidate at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tenn. At BW, small class sizes, faculty mentors and extensive experiential learning opportunities enabled the Bexley, Ohio, native to engage deeply in multiple areas of interest while preparing for medical school.

Taylor ShreveTaylor Shreve '13 is pursuing an M.D. from the University at Buffalo School of Medicine. The Panama, N.Y., native worked in the BW labs alongside her professors, who helped her gain critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Taylor credits lab experience, presentations and conferences for her acceptance into medical school.

玛丽莎·拉迪·斯卡沃佐Marissa Ruddy Scavuzzo '11 is a postdoctoral research fellow at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. She earned a Ph.D. in Developmental Biology from the Baylor College of Medicine. The opportunity to conduct independent research at BW helped prepare the Spring, Texas, native for a career in research.

Melissa VanderKaay TomasuloMelissa VanderKaay Tomasulo '99 is director of the neuroscience program and associate professor of psychology at Saint Michael's College in Colchester, Vt. The Huntsburg, Ohio, native credits hands-on lab experiences and faculty mentors at BW as catalysts for her success. She holds a Ph.D. from Ohio University.


Clare Mathes


Clare Mathes

Diana Barko


Diana Barko

Full-Time Faculty

Clare Mathes
Associate Professor

Diana Barko

Jeffrey Zahratka
Associate Professor


Sarah Binkley

Michael Bumbulis
Professor of Biology

Michael E. Kovach
Professor of Biology

Lisa Ponton
Associate Professor

Stephanie Rothman

Brian Thomas

Faculty Emeriti

G. Andrew Mickley
Professor Emeritus


Gregg DiNuoscio
B.S. (分子遗传学)俄亥俄州立大学

Gerrie Paino
自然科学学院协调员,数学 & Compuing

Barbara A. Rethas

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