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Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

College of Education and Health Sciences

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A rewarding, in-demand career in nursing awaits you. Baldwin Wallace's four-year, 护理学学士(BSN)课程将为您提供临床, leadership, 沟通和批判性思维能力,成为一名优秀的注册护士.

您将从具有多年临床和学术经验的护士教授那里学习. You'll develop a compassionate, 整体和团队的方法来照顾病人,同时获得技能,准备你在护理的领导角色.


Nursing Clinicals Start Second Year

As a student in Baldwin Wallace's four-year nursing program, 你将在第二年开始临床轮转,每个学期都将继续. BW在俄亥俄州东北部医疗保健中心的卓越声誉为您提供了在世界知名的研究型医院和医疗中心的临床机会 Cleveland Clinic, Southwest General Health Center, University Hospitals, Educational Service Center of Medina County and Eliza Jennings.

Integrated, Innovative Approach to a BSN Degree

BW以概念为基础的护理课程将使您对护理概念有深入而全面的了解. 它为全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX-RN)提供了出色的准备。.

BW Nursing Student

Nursing Career Opportunities

Studying nursing at BW helps you build career-marketable skills. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for RNs is expected to grow 12 percent from 2018-2028, which is much faster than the average job growth. 根据2021年的数据,全国护士的工资中位数为每年7.76万美元.

The diverse roles of nurses include staff nurses, legal-nurse consultants, researchers, case managers, educators, community health nurses, and directors of nursing programs at hospitals, community agencies, school systems, long-term care and assisted living facilities, and hospices.

Admission Considerations

BW的本科BSN是一个直接录取的欧博allbet,适用于一年级和转学生. View admission details.

BW Nursing Grads Earn near-perfect NCLEX-RN Scores

The undergraduate BSN program includes the same coursework, lab and clinical experiences as Baldwin Wallace's accredited 15-month accelerated BSN program 提供给已经持有非护理专业学士学位的学生. BW的ABSN欧博allbet的平均NCLEX-RN首次通过率为94%.

Accredited BSN Program

鲍德温华莱士的护理学学士学位课程得到了美国国家卫生组织的全面批准 Ohio Board of Nursing. 鲍德温华莱士大学的护理学士学位课程获得了美国护士协会的认证 Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.


鲍德温华莱士的本科BSN课程提供了成为护士的直接途径. 在大二春季学期开始护理专业课程和临床轮转之前,你将学习三个学期的基础课程.

4-Year Nursing Sequence

BW's 4-year sequence of courses 使您能够不断建立对护理概念的理解. Upon graduation, 您将拥有跨多个平台的多功能技能,为职业做好准备-护理提供者, designer and manager - and be poised for advancement.

要查看BSN计划的所有必修课程,请查看大学 catalog.

Prerequisite Courses

Learn more about prerequisite courses, admission, steps for entry into the second-year nursing curriculum, 学生运动员的考虑和推荐的高中课程.


BSN欧博allbet的教师是具有不同经验的注册护士, degrees and certifications. 他们将与你一对一的工作,为你在学习上的成功做好准备, clinical settings and the NCLEX-RN exam, which is required to become a registered nurse.

4-Year Nursing Program Builds In-Demand Skills

从鲍德温华莱士的四年护理课程中获得BSN学位,将为您提供独特且持续的职业优势. Among them, 雇主更喜欢拥有BSN的注册护士,因为他们的高级技能和跨越领导力的专业属性, communication, teamwork, critical thinking, case management, 健康促进和在各种医疗保健环境中工作的能力.

Nursing Simulation Lab

您将学习复杂的护理技能,并实践这些技能,以减少压力,提高病人的安全. Mixed reality technologies, 人类患者模拟和标准化患者为您的体验式学习提供了基础. 模拟实验室和HoloLens技术将帮助您在整个临床经验中应用这些技能时更加自信.

What You'll Learn

You will gain many skills in BW's BSN program. Some of these skills include the ability to:

  • 将适当的技术进步纳入高质量的护理.

  • Apply critical thinking in the development, 专业护理实践标准的实施与评估.

  • 与跨学科团队合作,改善所有个人的医疗保健.

  • Execute leadership principles in diverse professional nursing roles.

  • Demonstrate knowledge of healthcare policy, 标准应用中的财务和监管环境,以告知和影响医疗保健趋势和决策.

Professional Licensure

BW护理学士学位课程的毕业生符合申请俄亥俄州注册护士执照的要求. See the list of registered nurse professional licensure requirements in Ohio 以及俄亥俄州以外的注册护士执照/证书要求.

Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 University Catalog.


Small group experiences, 个人关注和教师指导是BW本科护理专业的核心.

Experience Exceptional Learning


Renovated Facility for BW Nursing

A newly renovated health science building houses the nursing program. 该设施包括技术增强的教室和学习实验室, ample spaces where students can collaborate, study and socialize.

National Student Nurses Association (NSNA)

BW nursing students have the opportunity to join the NSNA. The mission of the NSNA is to:

  • 汇集和指导学生准备作为注册护士的初始执照, as well as those enrolled in baccalaureate completion programs.
  • Convey the standards and ethics of the nursing profession.
  • 促进学生作为护理专业负责任的成员所需技能的发展.
  • 倡导高质量、以证据为基础、负担得起和可获得的医疗保健.
  • Advocate for and contribute to advances in nursing education.
  • 培养护理专业的学生,使他们在未来成为这个行业的领导者.

Choose Ohio First STEM Scholars Program

The BW Choose Ohio First STEM Scholars Program 对秋季即将进入鲍德温华莱士大学的一年级学生或转学生以及对护理感兴趣的俄亥俄州居民开放. 学生有资格申请该欧博allbet,该欧博allbet还提供“选择俄亥俄第一”奖学金, awarding substantial annual, renewable scholarships.


Graduates from the Baldwin Wallace Nursing program are employed in healthcare facilities and community agencies across the country. Practice areas include medical-surgical, trauma and emergency nursing, burn care, long term care and end-of-life care communities, women's and children's health, behavioral health and critical care nursing.

Alumni have completed or enrolled in graduate programs to become nurse anesthetists, nurse educators, and advanced practice nurses such as nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists and certified nurse anesthetists.


Yvonne Smith

Chair, Department of Nursing
Ph.D., Kent State University

Yvonne Smith

Jodi Burdon

Associate Professor of Nursing
DNP, Walsh University

Jodi Burdon

Angela Douglas

Assistant Professor of Nursing
M.S.N., Vanderbilt University

Angela Douglas

Yolanda Flenoury

Traditional BSN Coordinator
M.S.N., Clinical Nurse Specialist, Geriatrics, Kent State University

Yolanda Flenoury

Diane Kocisko

Director of Clinical Education
DNP, Healthcare Systems Leadership, Chamberlain University

Diane Kocisko

Kathy Meyers

Associate Professor of Nursing
Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University

Kathy Meyers

Full-Time Faculty

Yvonne M. Smith, Ph.D., APRN-CNS
Chair, Department of Nursing

Jodi Burdon, D.N.P., R.N., NEA-BC
Associate Professor

Angela Douglas, M.S.N., APRN-CNP, CNE, ATC
Assistant Professor

Yolanda Flenoury, M.S.N., APRN-CNS, CDCES
Traditional BSN Coordinator
Assistant Professor

Diane M. Kocisko, D.N.P., R.N., NPD-BC, C.P.N.
Director of Clinical Education
Assistant Professor

Christine Kuchenrither, D.N.P., R.N.
Accelerated BSN Coordinator
Associate Professor

Kathy J. Meyers, Ph.D., APRN-CNS
Associate Professor

Christopher Seminatore, M.S.N, MBA, R.N., CEN, EMT-P
Lab Coordinator
Assistant Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Ellen Bertke, M.S.N., MSHA, R.N., CEN, CMSRN
Adjunct Faculty

Linda Butorac, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Kristine Coleman, M.S.N.-Ed., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Tiffany Colston, M.S.N., AGPCNP
Adjunct Faculty

Andrea DeSapri, M.S.N., RN-BC
Adjunct Faculty

Katherine Donofrio, D.N.P., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Ashley Fisher, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Alyssa Ganzke, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Jodi Guzman, M.S.N., R.N., CMSRN
Adjunct Faculty

Michael Haase, M.S.N., CNP, FNP-C, L.S.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Kristen Hrabak, M.S.N., R.N., C.P.N., CPST
Adjunct Faculty

Jeffrey James, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Tiffany Koziol, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Aimee Lane, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Justin T. Loew, D.N.P., R.N., CNL
Adjunct Faculty

Sarah Marincic, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Kate Menosky, D.N.P., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Heather Miles, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Monica Miller, M.S.N.-Ed., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Lorann Murphy, M.S.N., APMHCNS-BC
Adjunct Faculty

Kathleen Overy, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Kate Paulic, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Kasja Pinter, D.N.P., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Rose Randle, M.S.N.-Ed., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Adam Sheaks, M.S.N.-Ed., R.N., C.E.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Roberta Snyder, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Monica Stybel, D.N.P., M.H.A., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Cherilyn A. Sudar, M.S.N., APRN-BC
Adjunct Faculty

Laura Wray, M.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Teaching Assistants

Kathy Felgar, B.S.N., R.N., RNC-INPT-OB, C-EFM-CKC
Adjunct Teaching Assistant

Mallory Frederick, B.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Teaching Assistant

Martha Nickel, B.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Teaching Assistant

Daniel Rausch, B.S.N., R.N.
Adjunct Teaching Assistant

Jennifer Schwartz, B.S.N., R.N., R.N.C.
Adjunct Teaching Assistant


Kathy Devney
Administrative Coordinator
(440) 826-8079,