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Department of Allied Health, Sport and 健康

(440) 826-3175, asutterl@xjiu.net

(440) 826-3463, kgentile@xjiu.net



准备好迎接奖励吧, in-demand career where your knowledge and skills can help restore, maintain and promote mobility and physical wellness.

鲍德温 华莱士's pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 is a rigorous major that prepares you for a multitude of allied 健康 研究生 studies, leading to a career in areas such as 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 医师助理, 体育训练, c广疗,足病和护理.

The program combines comprehensive coursework, theoretical study and practical 经历. 它包括一个强大的科学基础, 令人印象深刻的实验室和研究机会, diverse clinical exposure and 社区 outreach initiatives.

现实世界的关注, the pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 major helps you 开发 the interpersonal and professional skills needed for client-patient interaction, assessment and evaluation of client-patient needs, and integration of 这 information into a treatment plan.



鲍德温 华莱士's affiliation with the following universities offers a channel for admission into 研究生 学校.


BW 学生 receive a direct link to post-研究生 物理治疗, 职业治疗 and 体育训练 查塔姆大学(匹兹堡).

圣何塞大学大使欧博allbet. 奥古斯汀(美国)

的教职员工 St大学. 奥古斯丁健康科学学院 provide support for 学生 interested in attending an entry-level program in either 职业治疗 or 物理治疗 at USA.


BW's affiliation with D 'Youville 大学 (Buffalo, N.Y.) offers acceptance for up to 10 BW 学生 a year who fulfill requirements for guaranteed admission into the 医生ate of 物理 治疗 program.


BW's articulation agreements offer acceptance for 学生 that fulfill the requirements into a number of 硕士 of 运动 Training programs. 目前存在的衔接协议有:

  • 查塔姆大学
  • 甘农大学
  • 肯特州立大学
  • 俄亥俄大学
  • 泽维尔大学
  • 扬斯敦州立大学


A bachelor's 学位 in pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 can prepare you for post-研究生 education opportunities that include:

  • 体育训练
  • 脊椎按摩疗法
  • 护理
  • 职业治疗
  • 物理治疗
  • 医师助理
  • 足部医疗
Projected job increase of 34 percent through 2024


根据2019年 职业展望手册, 物理治疗师的就业增长, 运动 trainers and occupational therapists is much faster than the average for all occupations (2019-2029).


BW partnerships with 研究生 programs can streamline your entry into 研究生 学校.


Exceptional Acceptance Rate into DPT Programs

98% of BW pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 学生 应用ing to a 医生ate of 物理 治疗 program are accepted.


在研究生院中颇受尊敬, BW's pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 major also has excellent placement rates in a wide range of programs, 包括职业治疗, 脊椎按摩疗法, 物理治疗, 医师助理及护理. In addition to our 研究生 学校 partnerships, 校友 attend 研究生 and post-professional programs at institutions such as 鲍德温华莱士大学, 扬斯敦州立大学他来自俄亥俄州立大学, 匹兹堡大学, 西北大学, 哥伦比亚大学, Walsh 大学 and others across the 曼联 州.


作为专业提供, pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 blends critical thinking and problem-solving skills with specialized coursework and hands-on learning. 它包括一个强大的生物学基础, chemistry and physics in preparation for the rigorous prerequisites required of professional allied 健康 programs.

Pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 is an ideal companion major to the 锻炼 科学 major or sport medicine minor.

The pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 major prepares 学生 to:

  • Demonstrate mastery of principles of human anatomy and physiology as related to 锻炼, 培训和一般健康/保健, 包括对伤害的反应
  • Demonstrate mastery of skills related to assessment of 健康, 健身, 人体运动, 和性能
  • Analyze and interpret current scientific literature and evidence to create effective professional presentation of content
  • Demonstrate mastery of skills related to assessment and application of therapeutic modalities used in the care and treatment of physically active clients


Course descriptions, requirements for the major and additional information can be 发现 in the 大学目录.


学生的成功是头等大事. 小班授课, individual attention and 教师 mentoring are at the core of BW's pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗 major.

Experiential learning bridges classroom study with real-世界 opportunities. You can enhance your studies through 实习, co-curricular activities and other learning opportunities that include:

学生俱乐部 & 组织

Pre-物理 治疗/Exercise Science Student Organization
The Pre-物理 治疗/Exercise Science Student Organization is a student-led group. It provides 学生 with educational opportunities to 开发 skills, enhance their knowledge of these professions and learn about the requirements for 研究生 and professional programs.

At the annual Honors Ceremony in the spring, recognitions include:

  • Bonnie Raye Graduate Scholarship (in honor Bonnie Raye, who taught at BW and was the women's basketball coach, 1980-89).
  • Dr. 李J. 特雷塞尔奖学金(纪念特雷塞尔博士. Lee Tressel '48, who taught and was BW's 足球 coach, 1957-80).
  • 胡佛-斯托弗奖(纪念胡佛博士. 马约莉面对疾病, 谁是BW的教授, 1947-80, 还有默塔·斯托弗, 谁在BW教过课, 1943-68).


The 选择俄亥俄州第一STEM学者计划 is open to Ohio residents who are entering 鲍德温 华莱士 in the fall as a first-year student or transfer student and are interested in pre-allied 健康/pre-物理治疗. Students are eligible to 应用 to the program which also offers the Choose Ohio First scholarship, 授予实质性年度奖励, 可再生的奖学金.


鲍德温 华莱士 has 长 支持 the 成功 of its 学生. 证据 of 这 can be 见过 in the 非凡的 成就 of its 校友 传播 在 the 曼联 州 and the 世界.

亚历山大KozichAlex Kozich '21 完成 a 学位 in pre-PT and 锻炼 科学; on pace to earn a 医生 of 物理 治疗 from OSU in 2024. "My 经历 at BW and 教师 导师 帮助 me to 成功 in 研究生 学校. 通过 实习, I 发现 a 激情 to help 那些 with 神经系统 障碍. BW set me up for 成功 to 成为 a PT and 改变了 my life in the 过程."

丹EberleDan Eberle '19, 物理 治疗师 & 脊柱/整形 专家, 大学 of 匹兹堡 医疗 Center. Dan 赢得了 度 in 运动 培训 and pre-physical 治疗; he 发表 研究 论文 with a case 研究中, 收到了 三个 All-OAC 学术 荣誉 and 三个 大学运动代表队 足球 信. He 赢得了 a 医生 of 物理 治疗 from the 大学 of 匹兹堡.

凯利Ferian凯利 Ferian '19, 运动 培训师, 大学 of 匹兹堡 医疗 Center, 赢得了 an 运动 培训 学位 from BW and a 硕士 in 锻炼 科学 and 健康 推广, 加州 大学 of 宾西法尼亚. "BW 教授 引导 me 在学术上, 专业, 社会 and 精神上 and 帮助 开发 my 信心 as a 临床医生."

布莱恩Jandzinski 布莱恩 Jandzinski '19, DPT, One on One 物理 治疗 of WNY, 收到了 a 学位 in pre-physical 治疗 from BW, 准备 him for a D.P.T at D 'Youville 大学. "My BW 经验 提供 me with a 社区 of 朋友 and 的同事们. In 类, I was 包围 by 教师 who 关心 and 推 me to do my best. I am 感激 for the 基金会 BW set for me."



Chair, Department of Allied Health, Sport and 健康

杰米M撰写. 戴尔
欧博allbet总监,M.S. 运动生理学




